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Garden Construction and Planting - Horsham, West Sussex.

To create a secluded small garden comprising seating area and lots of planting on a new build estate overlooked by neighbouring plots.

This project was for a new build terraced property on the Berkeley Homes Highwood Development in Horsham, West Sussex. The brief was for a low maintenance enveloping garden to provide privacy from being overlooked from the surrounding upper windows, and with a place to sit and enjoy the south facing aspect, and for a planting scheme that offered year round interest and colour. To this end, we first painted the fences sage green to reduce the impact of the vertical fence faces, then raised up the entire planted area of the garden using sleepers specially cut to minimize their visible horizontal surface, and finally planted densely with architectural largely evergreen planting spilling over the edge of the beds.  The final image of the set below shows containerised bamboo screening the bin storage area. The overhead photograph shows both the transformed garden itself, and the neighbouring plots which are 'as sold'.

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